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Everyone experiences trauma. Whether it’s a specific harrowing event or a series of stressful moments that accumulate over time, trauma can echo and etch itself into our brains.

Neuroscientist Dr. Tracey Shors studies why we are inclined to ruminate on painful memories and how this process can interfere with our everyday lives, while making still more memories.

Dr. Shors created a brain fitness program called MAP TRAIN MY BRAIN. Just 6 weeks of training (one hour, once a week!) reduces those nagging repetitive thoughts, while decreasing feelings of anxiety and depression.

By understanding how our brains ruminate on the past, while training them with new mental and physical skills, we are better equipped to leave our pasts behind and live in a brighter future.

Learn more in her book Everyday Trauma. Or click here to take her 6-WEEK ONLINE VIDEO COURSE.

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